
The button module supports button. Use require('button') to access this module.

Class: Button

An instances of Button represents a button object. This class is a subclass of EventEmitter.

new Button(pin[, options])

  • pin <number> The pin number which can support button function.
  • options <object>
    • mode <number> The pin mode. Default: INPUT_PULLUP.
    • event <number> The the event of the pin. There are three events, FALLING (0), RISING (1), and CHANGE (2). Default: FALLING.
    • debounce <number> debounce time in ms(milliseconds). Default: 50ms

Create an instances of the Button class. Note that this class uses setWatch() function internally.

// Create the Button instance and print the message when button is pressed.
const { Button } = require('button');
const pin = 0; // Pin number for button
const btn0 = new Button(pin);
btn0.on('click', function () {
  console.log('button 1 clicked');


  • Returns: <number> The return value is HIGH (1) or LOW (0)
// Create the Button instance and close it.
const { Button } = require('button');
const pin = 0; // Pin number for button
const btn0 = new Button(pin);
// ...


This method closes the I/O watcher for the button.

// Create the Button instance and close it.
const { Button } = require('button');
const pin = 0; // Pin number for button
const btn0 = new Button(pin);
btn0.on('click', function () {
  console.log('button 1 clicked');
// ...

Event: 'click'

The click event is emitted when the button is pressed down.

// Create the Button instance and toggle LED when the button is pressed.
const { Button } = require('button');
const pin = 0; // Pin number for button
const btn0 = new Button(pin);
const led = 25; // LED
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
btn0.on('click', function () {