

The wifi module supports to scan, connect and disconnect Wi-Fi networks. Use require('wifi') to access this module.

This module requires a IEEE 802.11 device driver. If the board you are using is not capable for Wi-Fi, you may need to inject external Wi-Fi device driver.

Class: WiFi

An instance of WiFi represents a Wi-Fi device.

new WiFi()

Create an instance of Wi-Fi class.

var WiFi = require('wifi').WiFi;
var wifi = new WiFi();


  • callback {Function} Called when reset complete.

Reset the Wi-Fi device.


  • callback{Function}
    • err {Error}
    • scanResults {Array<Object>}
      • security {string} Security. OPEN, or multiple of WEP, WPA, PSK, WPA2, WPA2-EAP.
      • ssid {string} SSID.
      • rssi {number} Received signal strength indication.
      • bssid {string} _**_BSSID. (Typically MAC address)
      • channel {number} Channel.

Scan Wi-Fi networks.

const { WiFi } = require('wifi');
const wifi = new WiFi();

wifi.scan((err, scanResults) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {

wifi.connect([connectInfo][, callback])

  • connectInfo {object} Information to connect a Wi-Fi network.
    • ssid {string} SSID.
    • password {string} Password. Default: undefined.
    • bssid {string} O_**_BSSID. (Typically MAC address). Default: undefined.
    • security {string} Security. OPEN, WPA2_WPA_PSK, WPA2_PSK, WPA_PSK, WEP_PSK. Defaule: OPEN if password is not set or length of the password is less than 8 characters. WPA2_WPA_PSK if length of the password is greater or equal to 8 characters.
    • enforce {boolean} When set to true, enforce to connect even if there is already a Wi-Fi connection. Otherwise, do not try to connect if there is Wi-Fi connection. Default: false.
  • callback {Function} A callback function called when a Wi-Fi connection is established. This is also called when there is already a Wi-Fi connection.
    • err {Error};
    • connectInfo {Object}

Establish a connection to Wi-Fi network.

const { WiFi } = require('wifi');
const wifi = new WiFi();

wifi.connect({ ssid: 'MyHome', password: '12345678' }, (err) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // add your code using Wi-fi connection

If you do not want to expose your Wi-Fi connection info, you can set them in the storage. (Do not add item in the storage in the source code, add manually in Terminal)

storage.setItem('WIFI_SSID', 'MyHome');
storage.setItem('WIFI_PASSWORD', '12345678');
storage.setItem('WIFI_SECURITY', 'WPA2_WPA_PSK');

And then, call connect method without connectInfo argument as below.

const { WiFi } = require('wifi');
const wifi = new WiFi();

wifi.connect((err) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // add your code using Wi-fi connection


  • callback {Function} A callback function called when a Wi-Fi connection is disconnected.
    • error {Error}

Disconnect from currently connected Wi-Fi network.


  • callback {Function} A callback function called when this function is done.
    • error {Error}
    • connectionInfo {object}
      • ssid {string} SSID.
      • bssid {string} _**_BSSID. (Typically MAC address)

Get connection information of currently connected Wi-Fi network.

Event: 'associated'

This event is emitted when Wi-Fi network is connected. IP may not be assigned.

Event: 'connected'

This event is emitted when Wi-Fi network is connected with IP assignment.

Event: 'disconnected'

This event is emitted when Wi-Fi network is disconnected.

wifi.wifiApMode([apInfo], [callback])

Added in: v1.2.0

This is optional, callback function parameter return error if the board does not support WIFI AP mode

  • apInfo{object}
    • ssid {string} SSID. Default: Kaluma_AP
    • password {string} password of the WIFI AP. Default: kalumaAp
    • gateway {string} Gateway of the WIFI AP. Default:
    • subnetMask {string} Subnet Maks of the WIFI AP. Default:
  • callback{function} A callback function called when a Wi-Fi AP mode is established.
    • err {Error}

Start WIFI AP mode.


Added in: v1.2.0

This is optional, Do nothing if the board does not support WIFI AP mode

Disable WIFI AP mode.


Added in: v1.2.0

This is optional, Do nothing if the board does not support WIFI AP mode

  • Returns: <{Array<string>}>
    • bssid {string} _**_BSSID. (Typically MAC address)

Get the list of the clients's bssid (MAC address).

// HTTP server on WIFI AP mode
let { WiFi } = require('wifi')
let wifi = new WiFi()
let http = require('http')


wifi.wifiApMode({ssid: 'PicoHTTPServer', password: 'password' }, */(err) => {
    if (err) {
        console.error('err', err);
    console.log('access point running')

    var message = '<h1>Hello</h1>';
    var port = 80;
    var server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
        console.log('Request path: ' + req.url);
        res.writeHead(200, 'OK', {
            'Content-Type': 'text/html',
            'Content-Length': message.length,
    server.listen(port, function () {
    console.log('HTTP server listening on ', server._dev.ip, ' port: ', port);

// Show client list every 10 sec.
let show_cli_interval = setInterval(() => {
        console.log("AP Client")
        var clients = wifi.getWifiApClients();
    }, 10*1000);

// Stop server after 10 min
let close_interval = setTimeout(() => {
        console.log("WIFI AP is disabled");
    }, 600*1000);

// User can access HTTP server with "